Instructions for Use

Kintbury Coronation Hall

Full details of access and Hall usage will be provided by the Booking Secretary upon confirmation of booking.

HEATING: The Hall is kept at a background temperature. The heating is controlled by users from panels in the building.

HOT WATER: The hot water is switched on from a panel in the kitchen

RUBBISH: Small rubbish bins are provided in the Committee Room and the kitchen.

A large lidded rubbish skip is provided outside the front of the HALL (accessed via the rear porch or front doorsUsers are expected to empty the small bins into the skip when necessary.

Users are expected to separate recyclable materials (principally paper, cardboard, cans and glass) and take it away for recycling.

CHAIR STORE: To avoid the risk of the trolleys tipping over they must be unloaded and loaded in accordance with the instruction in the chair store.

DISHWASHER: The dishwasher is NOT to be used by Hirers (see Conditions of Hire).