Hirers’ Terms & Conditions

Kintbury Coronation Hall

1. Kintbury Village Coronation Hall is a Registered Charity (No 200171). Its primary purpose is the provision and maintenance of a village hall for use by the inhabitants of the area of benefit without distinction of political, religious or other opinions, including use for meetings, lectures and classes, and other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants

2. The “Hall” shall mean the whole facility, hall & stage, committee room, kitchen, vestibules, toilets, store rooms, car park and grounds.

3. “The Board” shall mean the Management Board accountable for the day-to-day management of the Hall.

4. You must be over 18 years of age to hire the Hall.

5. You will be responsible for the supervision of the Hall the fabric and contents and for ensuring their care & safety from damage.

6. You must remain on site for the duration of the hire and may not delegate this responsibility.

7. You agree to indemnify the Board for the cost of repair of any damage or loss caused to the Hall.

8. You are accountable for the behaviour of persons using the premises whatever their capacity and for ensuring the avoidance of drunk and disorderly conduct and are authorized to remove them from the premises.

9. No illegal drugs may be brought onto the premises.

10. You must ensure that excessive noise, detrimental to neighbours is restricted at all times and avoided after 23.00 hours.

11. It is illegal to smoke within the Hall and it is your responsibility to ensure that this is fully respected by everyone attending your event.

12. You may not use the Hall for any other purpose than that stated on your Booking Form.

13. You may not sub- let the premises or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose.

14. “One off” hirers may be asked to make a deposit to secure booking and protect the Hall in the event of damage. Providing there is no damage and the premises are fit for purpose your deposit will be returned to you or your invoice will be reduced by the value of the security deposit.

15. Where there is damage or the Hall is not left fit for purpose the Booking Secretary is authorized to retain all or part of your security deposit or to levy an additional charge

16. Cancellation by Hirer: When bookings are cancelled with at least 30 days notice a fee of 10% of the hire charge will be payable. When bookings are cancelled with less than 30 days notice a fee of 50% of the hire charge will be payable. The Booking Secretary has discretion to amend these charges in exceptional circumstances.

17. Cancellation by Board: The Board reserves the right to cancel your booking in the event:

  • of a Parliamentary, Local or similar election;
  • it is considered your booking may lead to a breach of these terms, obligations and conditions;
  • that your booking may be unlawful or may give rise to annoyance to the Hall’s neighbours;
  • the premises have become unfit or unsafe;
  • an emergency has arisen;
  • the premises are needed to house victims arising from damage caused by flood, snow, storm, fire, explosion, or similar disaster.

In these events your fee will be refunded or set aside but the Board will not be liable for direct or indirect damages that arise as a consequence of the cancellation.

Legal Obligations

Depending on the type of event that you are planning, there are a number of legal obligations to be observed and you must, where indicated, seek advice from the Booking Secretary. If you need general advice or are worried about what is being asked of you, please speak to the Booking Secretary.

18. Premises Licence: The Hall has a Premises Licence which regulates how activities such as the performance of plays, exhibition of films, indoor sporting events, performance of live music, the playing of recorded music, making music, dancing and entertainment similar to the above are to be controlled and managed.

19. If you are running an event at which a Film is to be screened, and children are attending, you must observe the age- restriction Classifications of the British Board of Film Classification.

20. Performing Rights Society Licence (PRS).  The Hall has a PRS licence which permits the playing of live music by non-profit making organisations or individuals. 

This licence does not cover

  • the playing of live music for trade or by businesses or commercial organisations. 
  •  any event for which the admission price is £20 or more. 

In these cases, the hirer must contact PRS PPL Ltd on 0800 0720 808 and pay the appropriate tariff.

Phonographic Performance licence (PPL).  This is required for the playing of any form of recorded music e.g. by record, CD, radio, TV or smart devices. 

The Hall does not have a PPL as there is no PPL available for the Hall to purchase that would cover hirers.

Hirers who intend to use any form of recorded music (including background music, quiz music rounds, classes etc.)  are responsible for obtaining their own PPL from https://pplprs.co.uk/get-themusiclicence/ or phone 0800 0720 808 or 0800 151 2090.

NB.  Domestic events (defined as events such as weddings, christening, birthday parties etc. to celebrate an important family occasion and where the only attendees are family and close friends of the hirer and there is no charge for attending the event) do not require a PPL.

21. Sale of Alcohol: The Hall Premises License also covers the sale of alcohol by persons specifically authorised to do so by the Board. Other persons may be able sell alcohol after a Temporary Event Notice has been served on West Berkshire Council. If it is your intention to provide alcohol you must declare this on the Booking Application and seek the immediate advice of the Booking Secretary. In this context “sale” includes alcohol provided for a donation or if a charge of any sort is made to attend the event

22. Health & Safety Act: You are responsible for Public Safety Compliance. In particular, you must

    • complete a Risk Assessment for your event/s
    • Limit the number of persons using the Facility to 180 including staff, performers, caterer’setc.;
    • not permit pyrotechnics, flammable liquids, fireworks, gases or candles (excepting birthday candles) to be brought on to the premises;
    • be fully aware of the action to be taken in the event of a fire, including calling the Fire Brigade regardless of how small the fire may be;
    • have procedures in place to manage the safety, and, when necessary, evacuation of people using the Hall during your hire. Further you must be aware of the: Location of fire equipment and know how to use it;
      • Location of the fire alarm points and fire-fighting equipment. Information about this is provided on the notice board in the Main Hall;
      • Operation of escape door fastenings;
      • Importance of fire doors and the critical need to close them in the event of a fire;
      • Exit signs. Prior to the event you must check that:
      • All fire exits are unlocked and in good order;
      • Escape routes and aisles are free of obstructions;
      • Fire doors are not wedged open;
      • There are no obvious fire hazards on the premises;
      • All persons on the premises are briefed about fire exits and fire evacuation procedures.

23. In the event of any emergency during your event, particularly where you involve the Emergency Services, you must contact the Booking Secretary or the Hall Supervisor immediately.

24. Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences: The Accident Book is kept in the Kitchen and it is your responsibility to ensure that any accident, regardless of severity, is fully and accurately recorded in this book. This is very important as some accidents are reportable by the Board to the Health & Safety Executive.

25. Electrical Appliance Safety Regulations: If you, or anyone attending your event is planning to bring any electrical appliance such as a kettle or heater to the Hall to use during the event it must be in good working order and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations.

26. Compliance with Legislation

You are responsible for ensuring all relevant legislation is adhered to. Some examples are:

  • Health & Hygiene Regulations must be observed if you are preparing, serving or selling food.
  • The Equality Act must be complied with, in particular You must ensure everyone, including staff, entertainers, caterers etc are treated fairly and consistently.
  • The Gaming and Lotteries Act governs gaming and lotteries. “Raffles” held on the premises are exempt.
  • The Children Act governs activities involving children under eight years of age. In particular, adequate Child Protection procedures must be in place.
  • The Sale of Goods Act governs how sales must be conducted.

27. Under no circumstances may Hall notices be removed. They are a legal requirement.

28. You may not alter or adjust the Hall’s electrical systems without the express permission of the Board and in the first instance you should speak to the Booking Secretary.

29. You have the right of access to the LOOP system should this be required.

30. Stage. No unsupervised children are permitted on the stage. There is no access to the rear storeroom. The stage lighting, sound or projection systems may only be used with the specific authorisation of the Booking Secretary.

31. Hall Décor: To maintain the decorative order please note that:

  • Sellotape, pins, staples or blu-tack must not be used on walls or woodwork.
  • Decorations must be kept clear of lighting or heating and be removed at the end of the hire;
  • The wooden furniture in the Committee Room must not be moved out of the Committee Room.
  • If you are using the kitchen please bring your own tea towels as the Board is unable to provide them.

32. Heating and Hot Water. Background heating is controlled automatically. Hirers can operate the system to provide additional heating and hot water. Instructions are provided on the appropriate cards. Please ensure that external doors are not propped open when the heating is on.

33. Kitchen Equipment and Cookers. The equipment in the kitchen may be used for the preparation and serving of hot drinks and cold food. An additional charge is payable if the cookers are to be used.

34. Dish Washer. An industrial dishwasher is provided. It is not suitable for domestic style washing up. It must only be used with permission of the Booking Secretary by people who have been trained to use it.

35. Consumable Materials. A supply of consumable materials will be provided for the use of Hall hirers. Tea towels are not provided.

36. End of Hire. Hirers are required to leave the premises in a clean condition and fit for purpose for the Hirer who follows you. You may be required to pay for additional cleaning if the Hall is left in an unsatisfactory state.  End of Hire Conditions sets out the specific requirements.

  • Cleaning products are provided in the cupboard under the sink and must not be removed. They will be replenished by the Hall Supervisor
  • Hirers are accountable for ensuring that all internal and external doors and windows are secure and that the burglar alarm is set and the external door securely locked before you leave the premises.
  • If you have been given access to the Key Safe on the front door it is essential the key is returned and the safe locked when you depart.