End of Hire Conditions

Kintbury Coronation Hall

Users are responsible for leaving the premises clean after their hiring, including vacuuming carpets and sweeping floors (see Hirers’ Terms and Conditions). 

Brooms mops and a vacuum cleaner are kept in the cleaning cupboard in the Chair Store.


  • Bag all rubbish and deposit it in the skip at the end of the building. Please ensure that the skip is locked and the key is returned to the Kitchen;
  • Wash and correctly stack china by size on shelves;
  • Wash cutlery and put in correct boxes;
  • Wipe out oven and clean hob with cleaner provided;
  • Switch off oven switches;
  • Wipe down all surfaces with antiseptic cleaner;
  • Switch off all electric sockets including water heater;
  • Drain and switch off dishwasher if authorized to use it (Instructions on dishwasher);
  • Ensure any tables are returned to chair store and stacked safely;
  • Sweep and mop the floor;
  • Report all breakages in Hall comments book retained in the kitchen;
  • Turn off lights.
  • Set burglar alarm as per instructions;
  • Exit through main door locking it securely.


  • Bag all rubbish and deposit it in the skip at the end of the building. Please ensure that the skip is locked and the Key is returned to the Kitchen;
  • Return chairs to chair store and hang on rack . To avoid the risk of the racks tipping over it is essential to follow the safety instructions fixed to the racks.
  • Return fold-up tables to chair storage (safely stacked); ❖ Sweep the floor taking care to remove any pins, staples etc;
  • Wipe off any liquid, sticky or dusty products such as rosin;
  • Ensure toilets are left clean and tidy,
  • Make sure ALL windows are closed;
  • Close ALL doors internal & external;
  • Report any breakages/problems in Hall comments book which is retained in the kitchen;
  • Check all external side doors are securely locked.
  • Switch off “mike” switch if used;
  • Turn off lights at lighting box;
  • Set burglar alarm as per instructions;
  • Turn off any remaining lights;
  • Exit through main door locking it securely. 

Committee Room

  • Bag all rubbish and deposit it in the skip at the end of the building. Please ensure that the skip is locked and the Key is returned to the Kitchen;
  • Stack chairs (no more than 2 in a stack);
  • Return tables to the side of the room;
  • Vacuum the floor making sure any pins or staples are picked up first;
  • Any liquid or sticky products on the chairs, carpet or tables must be thoroughly wiped with soapy water and dried and the tables must be “buffed up” with a dry cloth;
  • Make sure ALL windows and doors are closed;
  • Report any breakages/problems in Hall comments book which is retained in the kitchen;
  • Check external side doors are securely locked.
  • Turn off lights at switch by door to main Hall and at the lighting box;
  • Set burglar alarm as per instructions; Turn off any remaining lights;
  • Exit through main door locking it securely.